MUN is a program that stimulates academic activity which contributes to students learning. It is all about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. The student develops a deeper understanding of current world issues.

What do the Delegates do at MUN?

It is usually an extracurricular activity and involves speaking, debating, and writing skills. Besides, it stimulates critical thinking, developing teamwork, and leadership abilities in a delegate. 

Who is a Delegate?

The delegate is the representative of a country or organization participating in the MUN program.

What happens at MUN?

The delegates are allocated topics well before the conference. The student delegate conducts research, frames position papers, and suggests policy proposals (watching documentary films and giving their views on them.) and will debate with their fellow student delegates at MUN.

Finally, the delegates vote on written policies, called Draft Resolutions. And the best-performing student delegates are recognized with awards.

How do we plan to train children for various MUN’s?

UN Program requires the wholehearted dedication of the whole team, the guide, the trainers, and the student delegates. Educators are trained to create a conference preparation plan, featuring the following steps:

At Level 1:

The student delegate creates an online folder about their committee, country, topics, and policies.

The student delegate writes a position paper (research papers for the MUN conference) 

Based on the position paper, the student writes and rehearses speeches.

Students watch documentary movies and also refer to TV channels like Discovery India.

The students conduct debates and discuss the chosen topic. Here the students are open to suggestions and feedback from their guide teacher.

At Level 2:

The students are exposed to extensive reading of the newspapers, topic-related blogs, and note-making, explain the difference between the differences in the vocabulary used locally and at MUN; so that the students understand the key terms used at the MUN.

The student delegates practice writing for a specific purpose on the given sample topic. The student delegates also understand the important terms used at the conference, for instance, caucusing or lobbying meaning to promote.

Our experience in previous participation.

Resource trainers come from Model United Nations CAFE, Hyderabad. They create a Model United Nations Club and give the student delegates in-house training.

At PSSEMR School, our Model United Nations journey started with the Worldwide Education Model United Nations, in China, in the year 2009-10 and then again in 2010-11 (China). Since then we have continued to be a part of this prestigious program.

In 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17, Harvard Model United Nations was conducted at Hyderabad. Our student delegates took part in the program.

Recently, our students participated in Oxford Model United Nations held in Singapore, 2018-19.

These programs have made a difference in their student life, feeling encouraged and felt motivated to face future challenges and for attending programs like Model United Nations.